30 Characters in 30 Days

There’s this cool deal going on where artists are tasked with coming up with 30 characters, one for each of the 30 days of November. The movement is based at 30Characters.com. I missed the chance to sign up and post my characters there, but I’m participating all the same by posting my characters here as well as on my tumblr blog.

I’m posting the first two today, since I didn’t post one yesterday.

So even though Space Base 8 will only update once a week for a short while longer, you can visit Space Base 8 almost every day this month to see what new fun characters I come up with for the 30 Characters in 30 days movement. Who knows, maybe some of here new characters will end up making an appearance in the Space Base 8 comic!

1. Dr. Dratomio: Super villain, evil scientist, atomic powers, you get the idea.


2. Loopie: The meek werewolf.