Welcome to Space Base 8,
home of the galaxy’s best online comics. Rayguns! Robots! Rocketships! That’s what you’ll find here, friends! Lots of sci-fi laughs and comic strip fun! Flash Gordon never had it so good.
So why do your job when you’re at work? Wouldn’t you rather visit Space Base 8 instead?
Be sure to like the Space Base 8 Facebook fan page, follow David Scott Smith on twitter, and circle him on Google+.
Want to email Space Base 8 with a question or suggestion? Want to send in some fan art? Cool! Email spacebase8@gmail.com.
“Who the heck would make a comic strip like this?”, you may ask. WELL, Thanks for asking. The answer is on the CARTOONIST page.
Kick off your Moon Boots and stay a while, astronaut. Feel free to explore Space Base 8. If you discover something you like, send us a space-message at spacebase8@gmail.com.