Space Base 8! It is great! Pump your tires and they inflate!

Welcome to Space Base 8,

home of the galaxy’s best online comics. Rayguns! Robots! Rocketships!  That’s what you’ll find here, friends! Lots of sci-fi laughs and comic strip fun! Flash Gordon never had it so good.

So why do your job when you’re at work? Wouldn’t you rather visit Space Base 8 instead?

Be sure to like the Space Base 8 Facebook fan page, follow David Scott Smith on twitter, and circle him on Google+.

Want to email Space Base 8 with a question or suggestion?  Want to send in some fan art? Cool! Email spacebase8@gmail.com.

You may want to get acquainted with the citizens of Space Base 8. Check out the CHARACTERS page and introduce yourself.

“Who the heck would make a comic strip like this?”, you may ask. WELL, Thanks for asking. The answer is on the CARTOONIST page.

Kick off your Moon Boots and stay a while, astronaut. Feel free to explore Space Base 8. If you discover something you like, send us a space-message at spacebase8@gmail.com.