Cargo and Vesto discuss capturing the bedbots



A raygun Here is Monday’s Raygun sketch, Space Base 8 readers. I’ve been having fun making drawings of ray guns and robots and rocketshipsmtself, but I want to feature your sci-fi art too! Email me with your Raygun, Robot, or Rocketship art and I will post it in the blog for all the Space Base 8 readers to see. Email, and include your sketch, name and website URL if you have one.


Friday is Rocketship Sketch Day at Space Base 8. The owner of this HotRoc painted custom flames on the nosecone to impress the chicks. I bet he pimped out the combustion chamber with a dual PX-38 forearm catalyst pack and upgraded the gas distribution lines with Neutrino Salacrotic radiation shields, too. Radical, Daddio.   Send me your latest rocketship sketch and I’ll put it up on the blog. Email


It’s Monday, and time for another ray gun sketch. This gun is is the Gun With No Name. Anyone recognize this ray gun? What planet is it form? Was it designed for fingers or tentacles? And most of all, what is this gun’s name?!!!

Rayguns! Robots! Rocketships! part 3

It’s a Friday Rocketship sketch, everybody! ZzzoooOOOOooooommmmmmmm! Remember, if you want to submit a sketch or three of your own for inclusion in Rayguns! Robots! Rocketships!, email your pictures to Readers of Space Base 8 would really dig seeing your creations! Don’t forget to tell me your name and give an URL so I can link to your site.

Rayguns! Robots! Rocketships! part 2

This robot is quite the fine fellow.It is Wednesday, and time for our first Wednesday Robot sketch, and quite a fine fellow this robot turned out to be. Remember, if you want to submit a sketch or three of your own for inclusion in Rayguns! Robots! Rocketships!, email your pictures to Readers of Space Base 8 would really dig seeing your creations! Don’t forget to tell me your name and give an URL so I can link to your site.

Coming Soon!

Blast Off! the book Space Base 8 Book 1: Blast Off! is coming soon. This 162 page black and white book collects the first year and a half or so of Space Base 8 comic strips. All in one place. In printed turn-the-page type book form or in digital swipe-the-screen ebook form. watch this space for future announcements. Soon!!!

Rayguns! Robots! Rocketships! And New comics!

Hozer X-55 RaygunWelcome, friends. Today we start a new tradition called Rayguns! Robots! Rocketships! Every monday I will post a sketch of a raygun. I’ll post a sketch of a robot on Wednesdays, come rain or shine. And, you guessed it, Friday will be rocketship sketch day. What about Tuesdays and Thursdays, you may ask? Well, I may tell you: those are days that I’ll post new Space Base 8 comics! Yaay, the hiatus is over, and there will be new Space Base 8 comics! Come back and see some sic-fi comic fun here at every weekday. You can take the weekend off. You’re welcome. If you think drawing rayguns, robots and rocketships looks like fun, it is! Why not sketch some up yourself and email the picture to me at I’d love to post your sketches here in the blog for everyone to see. Come back tomorrow and see a NEW COMIC. Space Base 8 is back! The hiatus is over!